Editorial Services

Editor | Ozor Edits | Tallahassee Florida


A detailed review focused on readability and clarity that addresses the following:

  • Correcting errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and usage

  • Querying wordiness, repetition, missing words, and inconsistencies  

  • Ensuring consistency in style choices

All copyediting services include a marked-up manuscript, style sheet, and editorial letter.

Editor | Ozor Edits | Tallahassee Florida


One final review before publication that checks for errors that may have slipped through in previous rounds of editing: spelling, grammar, punctuation, dropped words, and inconsistencies. Formatting can be addressed if requested.

All proofreading services include a marked-up manuscript.

Getting Started

  • Tell me a little about your project, and I’ll answer any questions you might have.

  • Share 500–1,000 words from your manuscript. I’ll conduct a free sample edit and send it to you along with my quote for completion of the project.

  • If we decide we’re a good fit, I will send you a contract. My policy is to request a 30% nonrefundable deposit. Once I receive your deposit, your place and delivery time will be booked.